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Carsten Höller

Born in 1961 in Germany. He lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden andBiriwa, Ghana.

He conceives art as a cognitive tool and uses his works to transform the sensory and emotional experience of individuals, he wants to disorient and provoke the viewer, altering traditional perceptive mechanisms by creating situations and experiences, which instead of providing certainty instil doubt and make people lose their bearings.

Doubt Staircase

Metal balaustre, Vicenza limestone, marmorino, metal structures

An original unfinished staircase in the 18th century Palace has been transformed in a contemporary artwork, accessible to visitors. "Venice Inclined Oval Staircase" serves as a practical link between the main floors of Palazzo Diedo. The structure of the staircase is inclined at a 5° angle, a tilt that is just enough for someone to notice, but too small to be obvious, creating doubt when stepped on, a characteristic that’s recurring in Carsten’s work.

Foto di Massimo Pistore

Palazzo Diedo
Arts & Culture

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Fondamenta Diedo
Cannaregio 2386
30121 Venezia