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Sterling Ruby

1972, Bitburg, Germany
He lives and works in Los Angeles, US

site-specific | permanent artwork

Lantern (3)

Sand casting of aluminum, glass, 70 x 120 cm

Sterling Ruby works with a wide range of media, including  ceramics, painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, video, and  textiles. His works, in contrast to the minimalist artistic  tradition and influenced by the ubiquity of urban graffiti,  often appear scratched, defaced, camouflaged, dirty, or  splattered.  

LANTERN by Sterling Ruby was expressly conceived  by the artist for the entrance of Palazzo Diedo. It is an  edition of hanging lamps that pays homage to those  that have illuminated the narrow streets and alleys of  Venice since the 12th century. The metal frameworks  were forged using a life-sized maquette constructed  with waste materials from his studio and scrap wood, while the panels were made with streaked red glass, in  tribute to another ancient Venetian tradition. While the  original model was hastily put together, the molds are the  result of a meticulous process blending traditional and  contemporary production methods. 

Courtesy of the artist and Sterling Ruby Studio


Other artwork by the artist OPEN

Photos by Matteo Catania - Hubove Studio

Photos by Matteo Catania - Hubove Studio

Palazzo Diedo
Arts & Culture

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Fondamenta Diedo
Cannaregio 2386
30121 Venezia