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Carsten Höller

1961, Brussels, Belgium  
He lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden, and Biriwa, Ghana

site-specific | permanent artwork

Doubt Staircase

Metal balustrades, Vicenza stone, marmorino  Veneziano, and metal structures

Carsten Höller holds a PhD in Agricultural Science. He  applies his knowledge of the scientific method to his  artistic practice, although he does so to subvert its  basic rules. He conceives art as a cognitive tool and  uses his works to transform the sensory and emotional  experiences of individuals. He aims to disorient and  provoke the viewer, altering traditional perceptual  mechanisms by creating situations and experiences that,  instead of providing certainty, instill doubt and create a  sense of confusion.  

Carsten Höller designed a permanent and functional  artwork at Palazzo Diedo, the Scale of Doubt, transforming an unfinished flight of stairs into a  fully realized structure, of obvious Palladian inspiration. The spiral staircase features metal  balustrades, Vicenza stone, and marmorino Veneziano, all  unified by metal structures. Designed with a five-degree  gradient, the staircase is accessible to visitors, allowing for a gentle ascent between the main floors of Palazzo Diedo.

Foto di Massimo Pistore

Palazzo Diedo
Arts & Culture

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Fondamenta Diedo
Cannaregio 2386
30121 Venezia