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Opening hours

Open: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
10 am to 7 pm

last entry: 6 pm

Closed: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Diedo Palace will be closed to the public 
June 6-7
for the international panel Art For Tomorrow

June 20-21
for the international panel What is Universalism
by Berggruen Institute Europe

Special opening
June 22
5 pm to 12 am
for the Art Night 2024


Fondamenta Diedo

Cannaregio 2386, Venice

Vaporetto stop – Linea 1
San Marcuola or Ca’ d’Oro


  • Full price ticket:
    € 12,00
  • Reduced ticket:
    € 10,00

    Organized groups from 10 to 30 units, licensed guides, teachers of all grades with valid ministerial document,

    Touring Club Italiano, FAI

    visitors with ticket of the "Helmut Newton. Legacy" exhibition (Le Stanze della Fotografia, Venice).

  • Special reduced ticket
    € 5,00

    Visitors from 19 to 26 years old

  • Free entry

    Visitors up to 18 years old, accredited journalists or in possession of a valid press card, Icom associates, accompanying visitors with disabilities and visitors with disabilities

    residents of the Municipality of Venice in possession of an identity document (every Thursday)

Pre-sale fee: € 1,50

Booking for group and school TOSC

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+ 39 0410980227

Mon → Fri 9.30 am → 6 pm


Contacts - ticket office 

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ph / whatsapp +39 342 337 2548

Thu → Sun  10 am → 6 pm


The visit to JANUS includes access to 4 floors, via stairs.

The lift is reserved for visitors with motor disabilities.

No entry for dogs / animals. 

Access to guide / assistance dogs is permitted.

Cloakroom lockers are available.


Press kit - click here

International press office

Mae Cuthbertson
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+44 7495 495 119 

Jeanette Ward
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+44 7729 930 812

Italian press office

Elena Casadoro Kopp
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+39 3348 602 488

Marsilio Arte
Giovanna Ambrosano
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Palazzo Diedo
Arts & Culture

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Fondamenta Diedo
Cannaregio 2386
30121 Venezia